Perhaps it can be said firmly that the physical identity of a city that draws the subsequent TV special time is the product of urban living, but continued evolution of life throughout the city is accommodating.
Sima Vmnzr urban issues including the core functions that are in cities today have an important influence subsequent part of the city Vmmlvs manifest in cities in which the crystallization of visual, functional elements that Vmnay space form is seen Vkhvanayy qualities that caused understandable is becoming a place. City, like a precious architectural monument, the construction of the space height Afrazd this difference is larger scale and only time his final form will be Vsymay.
Affect the quality of the city is like a monument of architecture, larger-scale development of cholera was similar to chocolate, making it over the years is Vqrn Venice flow depends on people's lives and culture.
Urban means science. Theory of human settlements issues, including rural settlements are Vshhr Wayne associated work only in physical organization need not be limited extent. Urban planning has a deal with the places where the human environment and thus their Vpvyast alive. The most general definition of the city that can be offered is that it places human settlements place of group activities so they know the city is not only building place, but people - social groups, organizations, classes, families and non is